Let’s go for a little history lesson. In 1637, the prices of tulip bulbs in the Netherlands plummeted dramatically. This after a strong rise during the previous six months. The event is considered by some to be the first financial bubble in world history.
Regardless, we know from experience that since then numerous financial bubbles have burst.
- Brand profile
- Logotype
- Website design
- Advisory document templates
- Various marketing material
Project date
- 2014
”Our logo, the tulip, is a reminder of the importance of learning from experience to become better at what we do, namely advice in asset management and pension insurance.
Jonas AnderssonCEO, Endreol AB
Online presence
Simple custom theme developed and designed with the brand sigil on the front row.
Project Outcome
An ever growing tulip
Since the start of Endreol I’m happy to say they’ve been growing ever since. Tackling financial up’s and downs but still maintining their core value – The reminder of the legendary tulip crash.